Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mission Trips!

You have visited our website, followed our blog, and commented on our Facebook posts. Now, however, is a new opportunity to get involved with Leve Project! We are inviting you to go on a mission trip to Haiti to visit and donate your time with Leve Project for the people of Haiti.

Everyone has been gifted differently, that is why we have so many different opportunities to get involve at Leve Project! We have trips of service, during which the team can contribute through construction, cleaning, and painting. Also, we are interested in people leading a VBS or a Bible Study for adults. If you have any more ideas as to what you would like to do in Haiti with Leve Project, we ask that you would share them with us!

Also, we have what are called Vision Trips, a trip dedicated more to see and experience Haiti. On a Vision Trip you will get to see Leve Project in action, as well as visit other ministries.

A trip to Haiti with Leve Project costs $350 dollars (plus airfare). This includes housing, meals, transportation, and clean water. If you are interested in joining a trip, please email our Missions Coordinator, Brandy Marshall at

We have so much that needs to be done at Leve Project, so many unique and individual needs. If you are feeling called to be a part of mission team, we ask you not to ignore that feeling. Your talents and skills are just what we need to grow our project and empower the people of Haiti.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Needs list

Food Needs
  • peanut butter
  • jelly
  • crackers
  • tortilla shells
  • granola bars
  • pop tarts
  • cereal
  • fruit snacks
  • canned goods
  • pasta noodles
  • oatmeal
  • mac & cheese
  • instant pancake mix
  • ramen noodles
  • drink mixes
Other Supplies

  • LED lights
  • flash lights
  • batteries
  • bug spray
  • baby powder
  • diapers
  • baby food
  • towels
  • dish soap
  • laundry soap
  • bathroom/kitchen rugs
  • toothpaste


hey, while you're out...

Join Leve Project as we work towards eliminating poverty and giving hope to the forgotten!!

What just popped in your head? You don't time? Money? Eliminating poverty sounds hard?? Sounds like too big of a task to even think about?

That's why we've come up with "Simple ways to be their voice", a booklet full of ideas on how you can be an Advocate and ways to get involved to any extent you choose. The booklet will be available to download soon, but until then- consider this simple way you can help!!

Each time you go to the store, add just 1 or 2 items off of the Needs List to your cart. I mean, you have errands to run anyway, right? You can make a difference without even going out of your way. Pick up a jar of peanut butter for your family... and pick up an extra one for Leve Project. We're not asking you to fill up a cart every time you go out. Just add an extra item or two. It's that simple. And you will be making an impact in the lives of Haitian families. How awesome is that?

Contact our Missions Coordinator, Brandy at to find out where you can ship your items. Ship them right after you pick them up, or save them until you have a small box full and send it then. If you or someone in your area is planning a trip to Haiti, you can save the items and bring them in your luggage!

Monday, July 12, 2010

can haiti really be saved?

Today, July 12th, 6 months after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, take the time to read this article in Relevant Magazine.

This article takes you through the history of Haiti-- how did it even get this bad in the first place? After 300 years of slavery & 10 years of war, Haiti got their independence. But they had to pay for it. 90 million dollars. Haiti was crippled from the beginning.

6 months after the quake and people want to know where all the money is going. Why isn't Haiti fixed yet? Imogen Wall says, "This is not reconstruction- it's construction.".

This article also touches on the local church, voodoo, removing the rubble, why build transitional shelters, humanitarian diplomacy, education & planning for the future.

Please, take the time to read it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

program books

Families in the Leve program will meet at the Life Center 2-3 times a week for classes, meals, & bible study.

They must pass the first three courses, reading & writing, math, & basic business, before they are eligible for a micro-loan. Included in the business class will be money management & lessons on entrepreneurship.

After they get their loan, they will still be required to meet at the Life Center for other classes, such as nutrition & bible and ethics.

We're currently looking into different materials and books for these classes right now. We've found many good possibilities and hope to have some books ordered soon!