Sunday, July 24, 2011

making brooms!

This woman from our village takes dried up palm leaves and makes brooms out of them!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kids Bible Program Day 1

Bonswa from Haiti! This is Deanne and Jill from Evansville, Indiana, and we're visiting the Leve Project house for the first time. Today we experimented with the first EVER Leve Project Kids Bible Program. After a slightly rough start (the kids arrived an hour late), it went great! We had a great turnout...we had just under 20 kids from the village, plus some of their parents. Nicole led the kids in songs like "This is the Day" and "I'm in the Lord's Army" which we accompanied with a somewhat hilarious attempt at motions. They didn't quite understand the whole motion thing, but they enjoyed it. Francois told the story of the Good Samaritan and then we handed out chicos (Haitian cheetos) and introduced them to Veggie Tales. We ended the day with lots of fun and games like jump-rope, soccer, and the circle game where people dance and sing in Creole (we had no idea what they were doing but they were having a ball). Hopefully the next two days go as well as today!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We met Pol when we first visited Cayes Jacmel in February. His wife brought us into their house to meet him. He was sitting on a mat on the floor where he'd been sitting for 3 months straight. He has diabetes. While diabetes are fairly common and treatable in the states... those same simple resource aren't as readily available here. Pol's feet and hands were swollen. And he had a diabetic ulcer on his leg. He didn't have a doctor to tell him what to do or a clinic to help him manage his diabetes.

But with the help of medical professionals in the states, Leve Project has been able to monitor Pol's blood sugar and treat the ulcer on his leg. Thanks Kay VanFleteren and Lisa Everhart, along with others who have helped us help this family!!