Thursday, August 26, 2010

here's the scoop:

Here's the scoop about the house. When Eric, Kevin and Megan went to Haiti in June to look for a house to rent, a donor had committed to pay the first 6 months rent. However, because some family issue's came up, the donor is no longer able to do that. We had negotiated with the landlord and part of the deal was we had to pay the first 6 months upon signing the contract (it's not unusual in Haiti to have to pay the first years rent ahead of time). The contract hasn't been signed yet, and at this point, we won't be able to sign it.

We have $2,000 in our bank account. THANK YOU to those who have given generously. Every dollar counts and we very much appreciate the support you have given.

Eric and Megan (and maybe a few others) plan to travel to Haiti beginning of November with enough money in the bank account to sign a contract and pay half the years' rent right then and there.

We are hoping to have at least $30,000 by that point. That's a lot of money we need in a short amount of time. But we believe it's possible. We're going to need your help to make it happen though. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Tell your friends and family about Leve Project. Suggest your friends become a fan of our facebook page. Share and comment on our status' and wall posts. Send an email to your family and friends, sharing our need of financial support.
  • Skip Starbucks this month. Or whatever that "little" thing is that you splurge on. We understand that money is tight and maybe you don't have much to give. After a hard long week, you do deserve that Starbucks treat or out to dinner for an evening. Can you sacrifice it for a month and give that money to needy families in Haiti??
  • Do a fundraiser. I know... the word "fundraiser" makes me cringe, too. But it needs done. We're not asking you to do anything we're not doing ourselves. All of the board members and leaders of Leve Project are planning fundraisers. If you want to help, but don't know how to go about it... contact us, we have many ideas of simple fundraiser and we'll help you do it!! Contact or
  • Ask your Pastor if your church can do a one-time love offering for Leve Project. We'll provide you with a video and materials. Maybe your church supports other ministries and can't commit to monthly support for Leve Project. But a one-time love offering is a great and simple way to show your churches reflect the heart of Christ and support international missions.
If you've read all of this, I urge you to do something.

Monday, August 23, 2010


a quick bullet point update for ya... followed by more detailed posts on some of these in the next few days!!

  • the house contract still has not been signed... and because a donor is no longer able to front the money for the rent, we will not be able to sign the contract at this time
  • t-shirts should be ready by the end of the week!
  • we have the possibility to partner with the largest micro-finance bank in Haiti! this will be a huge blessing! we are currently looking over details and praying about it
  • many fundraising events are underway-- concerts, golf tournament and a dinner/silent auction.
  • a professionally made Leve Project video should be completed within a couple weeks
  • we had a great conference call with board members and leaders on Sunday, many awesome volunteers giving their time, talent and money. THANK YOU!