Tuesday, December 7, 2010

change for a change!!

Here is a simple way to collect and give money to those in need-- set up a change jar in your house. Instead of throwing all your change in your purse, just drop it in the jar and watch how quickly it adds up! Your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters will make a huge difference in someone's life. You can collect the change just through the Christmas season, or keep it up for months and see how much you get!

Simply print off this image (click to view entire image):

and tape it on any type of jar or container. I started w/ a peanut butter jar, but it would take some mad skills to cut a slit in the lid... I later found a coffee can and that works great!

Collect and donate your change to make a difference in someone's life. I'm not asking you to plan a massive fundraising event (but go for it, if you want to!), sell your kidney, or go door to door soliciting. Simply drop change in a jar. And, then yes, you will have to go to the bank, write a check, and then drop it in the mail. But is that too much in exchange for giving families like his a chance at a better life?? 

Leve Project is a 501(c)3 (meaning your gift can be tax exempt) non-profit ministry. We are committed to walking along side Haitian families on their journey out of poverty. I'm asking for your support of Leve Project. However, if you don't want to give and support Leve Project... please, collect your change and give to whatever ministry you are involved in. 

Checks can be mailed to: 

Leve Project
2956 N. 425 E.
Danville, IN   46122

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leve Scoop, Issue 1

Sorry, not perfect, but seemed like the best & simplest way to get our newsletter on here! Click the images to make them larger. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


First, here's a little background of Fonkoze, then I'll get into what our partnership with them will look like.

Fonkoze is Haiti's alternative bank for the organized poor. Their mission is to accompany people as they struggle to make their way out of poverty. Their name comes from the Haitian Creole phrase "Fondasyon Kole Zepol" meaning "shoulder-to-shoulder foundation". Fonkoze is an internationally recognized leader in the field of microfinance, known for its comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation. In 2005, the Grameen Foundation awarded Fonkoze its Pioneer in Microfinance Award in recognition of the institution's ability to break new ground in poverty alleviation while operating in one of the most challenging environments in the world.

Fonkoze knows that financial services alone are not enough. They complement those services with educational programs that help members learn important skills and help them think more seriously, more collaboratively, about important issues. These programs are designed to develop leadership and solidarity among members as they learn together.

Leve Project will be working with Fonkoze in their Ti Kredi program. There are many different levels of poverty and Fonkoze works to meet it's clients where they're at. Their core program consists of 4 steps. Ti Kredi is the second step that reaches out to families not yet ready to manage a $75 loan. Ti Kredi offers smaller initial loans, shorter repayments periods, additional support from their loan officer and literacy courses.

Leve Project will support one Ti Kredi center as a part of a bigger Ti Kredi program in the area. Our center will consist of about 50 women and their families. The total cost for a woman to go through the Ti Kredi program is $140 US. That's all it takes to cover the loan and education costs to COMPLETELY change the life of a family in Haiti. We'll give you more details soon on how you can support one of these families.

Monday, October 4, 2010

and we're back!!

Sorry for the absence in blogging. The good news is that it means we've been crazy busy!

And the really good news: we've been approved for our 501c3 status. This means all your gifts are able to be tax-deductible. It means we are exempt from certain taxes. It means we can apply for grants. In many cases, it qualifies us for other discounts and the ability to join certain programs.

We are very excited and see this as a huge step forward. Along with that, many things that were on hold, awaiting this status, we will now be able to proceed with.

It's one more step toward getting on the ground in Haiti.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

here's the scoop:

Here's the scoop about the house. When Eric, Kevin and Megan went to Haiti in June to look for a house to rent, a donor had committed to pay the first 6 months rent. However, because some family issue's came up, the donor is no longer able to do that. We had negotiated with the landlord and part of the deal was we had to pay the first 6 months upon signing the contract (it's not unusual in Haiti to have to pay the first years rent ahead of time). The contract hasn't been signed yet, and at this point, we won't be able to sign it.

We have $2,000 in our bank account. THANK YOU to those who have given generously. Every dollar counts and we very much appreciate the support you have given.

Eric and Megan (and maybe a few others) plan to travel to Haiti beginning of November with enough money in the bank account to sign a contract and pay half the years' rent right then and there.

We are hoping to have at least $30,000 by that point. That's a lot of money we need in a short amount of time. But we believe it's possible. We're going to need your help to make it happen though. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Tell your friends and family about Leve Project. Suggest your friends become a fan of our facebook page. Share and comment on our status' and wall posts. Send an email to your family and friends, sharing our need of financial support.
  • Skip Starbucks this month. Or whatever that "little" thing is that you splurge on. We understand that money is tight and maybe you don't have much to give. After a hard long week, you do deserve that Starbucks treat or out to dinner for an evening. Can you sacrifice it for a month and give that money to needy families in Haiti??
  • Do a fundraiser. I know... the word "fundraiser" makes me cringe, too. But it needs done. We're not asking you to do anything we're not doing ourselves. All of the board members and leaders of Leve Project are planning fundraisers. If you want to help, but don't know how to go about it... contact us, we have many ideas of simple fundraiser and we'll help you do it!! Contact megan@leveproject.org or sawana@leveproject.org
  • Ask your Pastor if your church can do a one-time love offering for Leve Project. We'll provide you with a video and materials. Maybe your church supports other ministries and can't commit to monthly support for Leve Project. But a one-time love offering is a great and simple way to show your churches reflect the heart of Christ and support international missions.
If you've read all of this, I urge you to do something.

Monday, August 23, 2010


a quick bullet point update for ya... followed by more detailed posts on some of these in the next few days!!

  • the house contract still has not been signed... and because a donor is no longer able to front the money for the rent, we will not be able to sign the contract at this time
  • t-shirts should be ready by the end of the week!
  • we have the possibility to partner with the largest micro-finance bank in Haiti! this will be a huge blessing! we are currently looking over details and praying about it
  • many fundraising events are underway-- concerts, golf tournament and a dinner/silent auction.
  • a professionally made Leve Project video should be completed within a couple weeks
  • we had a great conference call with board members and leaders on Sunday, many awesome volunteers giving their time, talent and money. THANK YOU!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mission Trips!

You have visited our website, followed our blog, and commented on our Facebook posts. Now, however, is a new opportunity to get involved with Leve Project! We are inviting you to go on a mission trip to Haiti to visit and donate your time with Leve Project for the people of Haiti.

Everyone has been gifted differently, that is why we have so many different opportunities to get involve at Leve Project! We have trips of service, during which the team can contribute through construction, cleaning, and painting. Also, we are interested in people leading a VBS or a Bible Study for adults. If you have any more ideas as to what you would like to do in Haiti with Leve Project, we ask that you would share them with us!

Also, we have what are called Vision Trips, a trip dedicated more to see and experience Haiti. On a Vision Trip you will get to see Leve Project in action, as well as visit other ministries.

A trip to Haiti with Leve Project costs $350 dollars (plus airfare). This includes housing, meals, transportation, and clean water. If you are interested in joining a trip, please email our Missions Coordinator, Brandy Marshall at brandy@leveproject.com.

We have so much that needs to be done at Leve Project, so many unique and individual needs. If you are feeling called to be a part of mission team, we ask you not to ignore that feeling. Your talents and skills are just what we need to grow our project and empower the people of Haiti.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Needs list

Food Needs
  • peanut butter
  • jelly
  • crackers
  • tortilla shells
  • granola bars
  • pop tarts
  • cereal
  • fruit snacks
  • canned goods
  • pasta noodles
  • oatmeal
  • mac & cheese
  • instant pancake mix
  • ramen noodles
  • drink mixes
Other Supplies

  • LED lights
  • flash lights
  • batteries
  • bug spray
  • baby powder
  • diapers
  • baby food
  • towels
  • dish soap
  • laundry soap
  • bathroom/kitchen rugs
  • toothpaste


hey, while you're out...

Join Leve Project as we work towards eliminating poverty and giving hope to the forgotten!!

What just popped in your head? You don't time? Money? Eliminating poverty sounds hard?? Sounds like too big of a task to even think about?

That's why we've come up with "Simple ways to be their voice", a booklet full of ideas on how you can be an Advocate and ways to get involved to any extent you choose. The booklet will be available to download soon, but until then- consider this simple way you can help!!

Each time you go to the store, add just 1 or 2 items off of the Needs List to your cart. I mean, you have errands to run anyway, right? You can make a difference without even going out of your way. Pick up a jar of peanut butter for your family... and pick up an extra one for Leve Project. We're not asking you to fill up a cart every time you go out. Just add an extra item or two. It's that simple. And you will be making an impact in the lives of Haitian families. How awesome is that?

Contact our Missions Coordinator, Brandy at brandy@leveproject.org to find out where you can ship your items. Ship them right after you pick them up, or save them until you have a small box full and send it then. If you or someone in your area is planning a trip to Haiti, you can save the items and bring them in your luggage!

Monday, July 12, 2010

can haiti really be saved?

Today, July 12th, 6 months after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, take the time to read this article in Relevant Magazine.


This article takes you through the history of Haiti-- how did it even get this bad in the first place? After 300 years of slavery & 10 years of war, Haiti got their independence. But they had to pay for it. 90 million dollars. Haiti was crippled from the beginning.

6 months after the quake and people want to know where all the money is going. Why isn't Haiti fixed yet? Imogen Wall says, "This is not reconstruction- it's construction.".

This article also touches on the local church, voodoo, removing the rubble, why build transitional shelters, humanitarian diplomacy, education & planning for the future.

Please, take the time to read it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

program books

Families in the Leve program will meet at the Life Center 2-3 times a week for classes, meals, & bible study.

They must pass the first three courses, reading & writing, math, & basic business, before they are eligible for a micro-loan. Included in the business class will be money management & lessons on entrepreneurship.

After they get their loan, they will still be required to meet at the Life Center for other classes, such as nutrition & bible and ethics.

We're currently looking into different materials and books for these classes right now. We've found many good possibilities and hope to have some books ordered soon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

we need YOU

Leve Project is a non-profit organization. Paperwork for 501c3 status has been submitted and currently pending. Donations can still be tax-deductible while status is pending. You can give securely through Paypal on this blog (paypal link or chip-in meter) or on the website. On the website you have the option of setting up a recurring payment, where every month an amount of your choice will be deducted automatically.

Checks can be mailed to:

Leve Project
2956 N. 425 E.
Danville, IN 46122

Monthly commitments and partnership will help us budget and plan ahead. One time donations are also vital as we launch our project.

Please consider how you can give and support Leve Project financially. If you'd like more information on the project or how you can get your church involved, please contact Megan at: megrachelle345@gmail.com or megan@leveproject.org.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

days 3 & 4- Saturday and Sunday

Saturday we started the day by going back to see the house that we first saw on Thursday. We met the owner, a Pastor who goes back and forth between Haiti and Miami. He started high on the price, of course, but we were able to knock it down to half pretty fast. Like anyone doing business, he pushed us just to see how much we would budge, but really does seem like a good guy. On Saturday, we left it with both sides saying we would contact "our people" and talk it over. We also went back to Three Angels to see some of the employees one last time before we left. And, of course, you can't leave Haiti without buying some of Lourdes Mulla's jewelry! After that, we headed back to the Guest House to discuss things and make plans.

Today, we went to one of the UMCOR (united methodist committee on relief) buildings to meet with Samuel, one of their leaders. Not exactly sure where that will lead, if anywhere, but it's always good to make new contacts! Samuel use to work as a Director of Employment in Haiti... so we did good some good tips and advice from him!

We also went to the neighborhood of a friend, to meet some of the people there and get to understand their situations a little better. Most of the families we talked to had 8-12 people living in one tent or room. 2-4 people on one bed and some sleep on the ground. One lady told us her and her children had not eaten today. Most people in Haiti make a living by vending, or selling on the streets. But when you have nothing, you can't even do that. They need something to start with. Anyway, it was very interesting and heartbreaking to talk with these people. Hopefully, more info, videos, and pics coming soon regarding that.

And then we met with Pastor Jean Charles (owner of THE house) again, he meet us in Petionville to do some final negotiating. We came to an agreement on price, payments, and terms. He is going to write up a contract, have his lawyer look it over, then send it to us to review/approve & sign! Although we are going ahead w/ the contract, our official lease wouldn't start until September 1st, to give him time to get some things cleaned and fixed... and to give us time to raise the money for it.

days 2- Friday

(kids at Grace Village)

Friday we went to Carrefour and met Danny, a Haitian man running a refugee camp since the quake. We were all very impressed with Danny and how he is running things. Before the earthquake, his parents were running a ministry called Grace International, where they had a school, orphanage, and I believe a medical clinic as well. After the quake, they opened their land up to the people of Carrefour whose homes were damaged and collapsed.

It seems the mayor of Carrefour has really stepped up and worked hard to make an organized structure after the earthquake. They have Carrefour divided up into 5 or 6 sections, with a leader of each section. Danny is a leader, but his main focus is his camp within his section of Carrefour. Within his camp, Grace Village, alone, he has about 20,000 people he is responsible for. Grace Village is divided in to 12 blocks, each tent is numbed, and each block has a leader.
The leaders meet everyday to discuss agendas and plans for the day.

Danny believes the real problem in Haiti isn't lack of money, especially now, it's the lack of these three things:

1. organization
2. responsibility
3. communication

We couldn't agree more. Danny's goal is to teach his camp how a society functions and what needs done for that to work properly.

Friday, June 4, 2010

day 1- thursday

Eric, Kevin and Megan made it to Haiti early Thursday morning and didn't waste a minute. We visited some of our friends from Three Angels, it was SO good to see these faces.

Then, we headed to Heartline (near the airport) and made a quick stop there. A friend told us about a Pastor near-by that might know of some places to rent in the area, so we stopped continued on to go find him. When we got there, he was busy and couldn't come see us at the moment, but one of the security guards at the compound told us he knew of a place up for rent. It was just the next block over, so off we went. It was amazing. It was a huge house with tons of rooms and even a little yard. A yard with FRUIT TREES. Mango, coconut, banana... and others. The house has been empty for 3 years and would need a little TLC, but we really loved what we saw. We will call today and talk about prices with the owner.

We also have many more places to see on our list... lots to do and see! Our days will be packed, but we are so excited to be here and see what God has in store for Leve Project.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Many people have expressed interest in Leve Project and our plans. We understand that many of you are interested in giving, but are hesitant to do so at this early stage. However, since we are working on executing our plans now (such as the up coming trip to Haiti to find property), your help is needed now. In order to get to where we need to be to effect the lives of those in Haiti, your partnership with Leve Project is extremely important. If you believe in what we are doing at Leve Project, we challenge you to become invested - to be a part of what we are doing, rather than simply watching for the outcome.

Many times in life, we're called to do things that require we fully trust in God. Sometimes we hesitate. We like to make sure every detail is planned out. We like to make sure we have fully thought things out and we know what we're getting into. But sometimes, God calls us to do things and simply trust that He is working things out. If He calls us to do something- we're just suppose to obey. We never have control over the outcome, only God does.

At Leve Project, our plan came from not only our passion, but our first-hand experience. This has lead us to a vision of how to most effectively bring out change. Passion can move us to do works, but it is knowledge, partnership, and direction from God that makes our works effective.

"We try to set our lives up so everything will be fine even if God doesn't come through. But true faith means holding nothing back." Francis Chan, Crazy Love

If you believe in what we're doing, if you support this vision... join us on this journey.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

families helping families

Two girls who are out to change lives!
A special thanks to Olivia and Rachel from Midland, Michigan who during a family garage sale, set up a special booth for Leve Project. The cousins decided to sell many of their stuffed animals to help families in Haiti. We appreciate their willingness to give of yourselves to help others! These little girls are already doing big things.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

heading to haiti

It's time to get things really rolling. Eric and Megan, as well as possibly Kevin & Amy, will be taking a trip to Haiti June 3-7.

The main goal of this trip is to find property for Leve Project. When we started this project, we knew WHAT we wanted to do, we just didn't know WHERE. At this point, we have several ideas and possibilities, so we are excited to get to Haiti and hopefully come back with a decision made.

Besides looking at property & buildings, we have friends to catch up with, new connections to meet, & plans to make!

BUT even if we get there and find the perfect place to start Leve Project... we simply can't do it if the funds aren't there. Please consider how you can be a part of this and give towards Launching Leve. Maybe you like the idea of Leve Project, but are waiting around to see what really happens. I encourage you to just take the step in partnering with us and supporting this project. Be in it from the beginning. God has already done so much and brought us so far... I know that He is faithful and will see this all the way through.

Friday, May 21, 2010


So many exciting things are happening for us at Leve Project!

Right now, we are talking with someone that has 7 years experience working with a big organization as their Director of Development. Eric and Megan were able to spend some time with her on the phone yesterday, and the call went great. She has lots of experience in Haiti... and our vision is the same-- to actually change lives, we have to do more than give hand-outs! yes, immediate relief and aid is necessary and has it's place... but we've got to something more. If we just give things away, people become reliant on us. What happens to them when we are no longer able to give them things? They will fall apart. They will slip right back down to where they started. At Leve Project, we believe we must focus on empowering people so they can become self-sufficient.

The Board of Directors will have a phone conference next week to further discuss how we can fit our new contact into Leve Project.

God really seems to be opening a lot of doors for us and showing us that He is with us and in control. We are excited to see the BIG STUFF He has coming our way!

Monday, May 17, 2010

breaking the cycle...

Many people are willing to give & provide to those in poverty. This is important and needed as it provides a temporary but immediate relief. We can put a band-aid on their problems for short-term care, but we must get to the root of the problem if we want real transformation in their lives. The root of the problem is that poverty is a cycle. And that cycle must be broken.

Haitians are survivors. They are resilient. All they need is a chance. They are willing and eager to work hard. Haitians want to be independent and to work towards a better life. And they are capable of doing it... they simply do not have the means or opportunity.

Leve Project will serve the most impoverish families in Haiti. Our focus is on those who are stuck in poverty and do not have the opportunity to improve their lives. By empowering them to stop the cycle, we are helping them help themselves.

Please consider how you can be a part of truly IMPACTING and TRANSFORMING lives in Haiti through Leve Project.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Launching Leve

Right now, we are working on funding the money to get Leve Project to the streets of Haiti so that we can impact lives there as soon as possible. Even though we plan on our monthly budget being below $10,000, we are working on raising 54,000 to start up this project. In order for us to get to Haiti and to start our plan of working with small family groups we will need to purchase a vehicle, purchase supplies for our project, and locate housing. Your help would be extremely beneficial to Leve Project and to the people of Haiti.

On the sidebar of our blog, you'll notice a Chip In button with a meter to exhibit how close we are to our goal. If you are interested in donating, using the Chip In Meter would be an excellent approach. However, you can also email our board members, Megan Haug at megan@leveproject.org or Eric Schweig at eric@leveproject.org.

We eagerly look forward to your partnership and association with Leve Project. We can only achieve our goals with your help!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Family Sponsorships and Blogs

We have big plans for Haiti's struggling families that you can be a part of at Leve Project. In the near future, after we have created a foundation within Haiti, we will out reach to five families at a time. These families will form one small group. We will offer classes to each group about basic business skills, nutrition, as well as a class to teach the group how to read and write. Leve Project will give each family micro-loans in addition to the classes to help them raise themselves to better lives.

We will create a blog for each family we work with. This will allow people in the U.S. to go along with the Haitian family on their journey out of poverty, and easily see how, that when given the opportunity, Haiti's most impoverish people can make better lives for themselves. We pray that each family that comes to Leve Project will receive sponsors to help ensure they get healthy meals, clean water, education, and cover their loan. This is where you come in. You would be able to choose the amount to support each family monthly. Because of the cost to support these families while they are taking classes and building their business, each family will have several sponsors, depending on the amount each sponsor commits to giving. The blog for the family you sponsor will be filled with pictures, a bio, and future plans for that family. It will also be updated regularly and provide you with a window into their lives, showing you how your donations help change lives, one family at a time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting Started

Leve Project now has a website up and running! Go to LeveProject.Org to learn more about our mission and our plans for Leve Project.

Last week the board members for Leve Project met in Arizona. Although many conference calls and emails have been previously exchanged, this was the first time many of the board members had met in person. A lot of work was accomplished and a lot of plans were fabricated to start up Leve Project so that we can help the people of Haiti as soon as possible!

There are many ways to serve within Leve Project. Because Leve Project is a growing organization, your support would be of immeasurable worth. Now is a great time to get involved. A possible approach to get involved would be to join a committee. There are many areas in which help would be appreciated. If you are not feeling led to offer your service in such a way, you could present Leve Project to your church. We have seen how effective churches are at offering their time and talents, and we would love to have your church on board with our mission! If you have any questions or want to learn more, you can email our founding partner and board member, Megan Haug, at megan@leveproject.org or go to our website at LeveProject.Org.

Being in the early stages of our project, our start-up expenses are significant. If you are looking for a way to donate to the lives of Haiti's people, to assist us during this time would be an excellent approach.

We value the time you give and the interest you take in Leve Project. We know that with your help we can touch, empower, and change the lives of the those in Haiti.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

who we are

Collaboratively, the members of Leve Project have been serving in Haiti for over 15 years. The idea for Leve Project developed not only from our passion for Haiti, but our first-hand experience, leading us to a vision of how to most effectively bring about change. Our Leadership:

Eric & Michele Schweig- Founding partners and Board Members. Eric has traveled to Haiti for various missions over the past 4 years and served on the board for a non-profit organization in Haiti for over a year. He serves as mission coordinator for his church, Christ Church of the Valley~ Surprise, in Arizona. Michele supports Eric in his mission work and has a love for children that are less fortunate and in need. Eric and Michele have one biological child and 2 internationally adopted children, one from Vietnam and one from Haiti.

Megan Haug- Founding partner and Board Member. Megan has worked with two other non-profit organizations. Before Leve Project began, she had already been living in Haiti for a year and a half. Serving for one year as the House Manager at an orphanage and another 6 months working with adoptions for another ministry. Prior to moving to Haiti, Megan worked as a manager at a locally owned Christian Bookstore.

Gretchen Huijskens- Founding partner. Gretchen founded and served as the president of another non-profit organization in Haiti for 8 years. Her experience and knowledge in running a non-profit serves as a great support to Leve Project. Gretchen is very involved at her church, Life Coast Church, and helps manage their Life Center.

Kevin & Amy Jones- Board Members. Kevin is involved in a family business in Indiana where he has served for nearly 30 years. Amy currently serves as the General Manager in her place of employment where she has remained for more than 13 years. Both Kevin and Amy spend significant time serving and ministering within various charitable organizations, including a Food Pantry, program for the homeless, and a center for under-privileged children and teens. They are also active members of their church, Connection Pointe, and they are actively involved in Alive In The Word Ministry whose mission is to "empower and edify" fellow believers as disciples for Christ. Kevin and Amy have also served on mission teams to Port Au Prince, where their love and interest developed for the children and families of Haiti. Kevin and Amy's passion is working with missions that minister to underprivileged youths where they can use their gifts and talents specifically relating to their business experience, education, and sports backgrounds.

Casey & Paige Tornberg- Casey Tornberg and his wife, Paige have joined the support efforts for Leve Project as Board members and will be aiding in different areas to keep the momentum and take some of the load off of the team. Casey has joined Eric on two missions in the past and this country has forever changed him. His wife has also been on a Haiti mission and both of them are sold out to do whatever God is placing on their hearts to help the people of Haiti. The philosophy behind Leve Project truly stuck a chord in their hearts to “do something”. They hope to lead more mission teams in sharing and experiencing this first hand, plan fund raising events and keep fellow supporters in “the know” with frequent updates and prayer requests.  Casey is a Night Detective Sergeant with the Phoenix Police Dept. and Paige is a Fitness and Swim Instructor. They have both been involved in youth ministry for over 6 years at their home church (CCV~Surprise).   

our mission

Our Mission:

Empowering Haitian families to break the cycle of poverty through opportunity and education.

Our Vision:

We believe the foundation of ministry must be love. We start by simply building relationships and showing God's unconditional love to people that have never seen it before. Then, we teach basic education and life skills through biblical principles. The heart of Leve Project is believers coming together as one, serving and supporting one another as the church did in Acts 2:42:47.

Statement of Faith:

God is the creator of the universe. He eternally exists and is the Sustainer and Lord of our lives.

We believe in one triune God- the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the one and only living Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father. He died on the cross to make atonement for our sins and He rose from the dead. Those who repent and believe will have eternal life through Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son. He is present in the world to make men and women aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He is given to the believer as a gift at the time of salvation.

The Bible is the inspired written word of God. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the authoritative rule of faith and practice for Christians and our organization.

what we do

Life Groups

The core of our project is a Life Center. Our mission is to empower Haitian families to break the cycle of poverty through opportunity and education. It's all about building relationships and fully investing in their lives. Five families form one Life Group. Placing the families into small groups provides them with accountability, community, and support. Life Groups meet several times a week to share a meal, fellowship, study the Bible, basic education, life skill courses, and healthcare seminars. It's not about having many different programs. It's about ONE program that impacts every area of their lives.

We at times provide child care for Life Group families. This ensures a good meal for the children and a chance for them to develop social skills, good behavior, and learn the Bible. It also allows mothers to build their business and provides a safe place for their children while they work.

The ultimate purpose is to empower our families to break the cycle of poverty. We believe micro-financing has proven to be the most effective way to do this. After certain requirements are met through the Life Center program, the families then have the opportunity to apply for a micro-loan.

Street Kids

Aside from the family groups, the Life Center will also minister to street kids. A child on the street does not have the ability to choose the direction in which their life will go. Instead, they are forced by circumstance and lack of opportunity. Street kids are often forced into a life of child slavery; Haitians refer to these kids as "restavecs" (unpaid household servants). It is estimated that there are at least 225,000 Haitian children currently working as restavecs in Haiti.

The Life Center will reach out to street kids, giving them a chance at a better life, preventing them from falling through the cracks. It will function as a sports program, yet the purpose of it is far beyond sports. The kids join us at the Life Center several times a week to share meals, play sports and games, and learn Bible lessons. Eventually, the older kids may have the opportunity for a micro-loan themselves. This gives them the chance to take hold of their lives and choose the direction they will go.

Our Vision

We believe the foundation of ministry must be love. We start by simply building relationships and showing God's unconditional love to people that have never seen it before. Then, we teach basic education and life skills through biblical principles. The heart of Leve Project is believers coming together as one, serving and supporting one another as the church did in Acts 2:42-47.