Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We will no longer be updating this blog. For updates, please visit the blog on our website HERE or through facebook notes HERE

Monday, October 17, 2011

September Medical Team

We had our first medical team (and first Leve group in general!) here September 11-18. A group of 5 ladies, 4 of which are nurses, from Nashville came to run a medical clinic in the village. The week before the team came, we had the Pastor at the church help with getting people signed up to be seen at the clinic. I’ll admit, I expected a bit of chaos and unexpected issues to arise on the first day. I think we were all surprised how smooth everything went! 
The team wanted to do more than simply see tons of patients, they wanted to get to know the patients and do an assessment. They started medical records for each person, so we have something to go off of for the next team. While everything went fairly smooth, I think we realized we’d have to make a few adjustments to how things would be done in the states. On the first day, during the kids’ clinic hours, most of those kids came by themselves. It was a bit hard for the team to get information from them. Most of them didn’t know their birthday, so we settled on getting their age for their records. 
Here is a letter from one of the team members to their Pastor: 
Pastor Tom, 
As I count my blessings this morning for clean water to brush my teeth with and to drink, for a warm shower and for a washing machine and a roof that doesn’t leak when it rains, I want to say how thankful I am for your and the church’s support for this mission trip. It was a life changing experience that I will not forget, and continued to draw me closer in my own Christian walk. I also am thankful that although there are many challenges and suffering people in Haiti, that we touched 200 lives through the clinic, started a charting system for a future clinics, donated medicines and supplies for future treatment and gave dresses, shorts, teen dresses and over 40 pair of shoes to villagers and orphans. We visited 3 orphanages and bought food for a family of 13. We also paid for a young mother who was in so much pain that she would not breastfeed her sick infant to have several abscessed teeth pulled and filled from a reputable dentist. These are just some of the ways that your support and donations helped us to serve in Christ’s name. Thank you for all that you do. 
Your support matters! Even if you are not able to join a mission team to Haiti, support those that are able to come. Talk to your church about how your church can get involved in Leve Project and changing lives in Haiti!
A huge thank you to Bronwen, Kay, Colleen, Lisa and Leigh for your sacrifices in coming to serve in Haiti. Thank you to Hillsboro United Methodist Church for your support in getting them here and enabling the work they did here.