Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Family Sponsorships and Blogs

We have big plans for Haiti's struggling families that you can be a part of at Leve Project. In the near future, after we have created a foundation within Haiti, we will out reach to five families at a time. These families will form one small group. We will offer classes to each group about basic business skills, nutrition, as well as a class to teach the group how to read and write. Leve Project will give each family micro-loans in addition to the classes to help them raise themselves to better lives.

We will create a blog for each family we work with. This will allow people in the U.S. to go along with the Haitian family on their journey out of poverty, and easily see how, that when given the opportunity, Haiti's most impoverish people can make better lives for themselves. We pray that each family that comes to Leve Project will receive sponsors to help ensure they get healthy meals, clean water, education, and cover their loan. This is where you come in. You would be able to choose the amount to support each family monthly. Because of the cost to support these families while they are taking classes and building their business, each family will have several sponsors, depending on the amount each sponsor commits to giving. The blog for the family you sponsor will be filled with pictures, a bio, and future plans for that family. It will also be updated regularly and provide you with a window into their lives, showing you how your donations help change lives, one family at a time.

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