Today, we went to one of the UMCOR (united methodist committee on relief) buildings to meet with Samuel, one of their leaders. Not exactly sure where that will lead, if anywhere, but it's always good to make new contacts! Samuel use to work as a Director of Employment in Haiti... so we did good some good tips and advice from him!

We also went to the neighborhood of a friend, to meet some of the people there and get to understand their situations a little better. Most of the families we talked to had 8-12 people living in one tent or room. 2-4 people on one bed and some sleep on the ground. One lady told us her and her children had not eaten today. Most people in Haiti make a living by vending, or selling on the streets. But when you have nothing, you can't even do that. They need something to start with. Anyway, it was very interesting and heartbreaking to talk with these people. Hopefully, more info, videos, and pics coming soon regarding that.
And then we met with Pastor Jean Charles (owner of THE house) again, he meet us in Petionville to do some final negotiating. We came to an agreement on price, payments, and terms. He is going to write up a contract, have his lawyer look it over, then send it to us to review/approve & sign! Although we are going ahead w/ the contract, our official lease wouldn't start until September 1st, to give him time to get some things cleaned and fixed... and to give us time to raise the money for it.
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